Leggero Data Management & Analytics Platform

The Leggero Data Management & Analytics Platform allows you to store, access, homogenize and analyze data from various sources and in different formats. The platform is built to scale for multiple terabytes of data and handle a continuous in-flow of data. The system provides features to collate and correlate data from various sources and analyze it for various facts based on multiple dimensions. The platform has abilities to handle unstructured data like Text Files and XML Files and convert them to datasets. These datasets can further be used for simple reporting or be used to run various models for complex analysis. The platform can be deployed on a dedicated hardware environments or on the cloud depending on the implementation needs and preferences. The analysed information can be presented in form of reports, charts and graphs that can be configured for various roles and privileges to access reports and charts/graphs.

The platform is a comprehensive data lifecycle management solution, it provides the necessary tools and frameworks that enables complex data engineering, data storage, metadata management, meta-semantics, advanced analytics and visualisation.

The platform supports Big Data over a distributed computing environment for largescale data processing and analysis. The platform has to be deployed in a clustered environment if large volumes of data is processed, it can be installed and run on a non distributed environment in case of lesser volume of data processing and management.

System Architecture and Functionality

The Platform has been architected keeping in mind the ease of use and flexibility while ensuring nonfunctional requirements like scalability and response time. The information analyzed can be presented in the form of Reports and Dashboards that comprise of charts and graphs. The data can be simply published as a text dataset in case a different system requires to consume the data. The data can be presented in single-series or multi-series charts for example: Pie Charts, Area Charts, or Bar and Column charts. The system has the ability to analyse and publish data for times, series or trends and other data series analysis.